Upcoming iOS 18 Challenges and Solutions for Email Marketers

Upcoming iOS 18 Challenges and Solutions for Email Marketers

September 18, 20244 min read

Key Challenges in iOS 18 for Email Marketers

  1. Enhanced Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection, introduced in iOS 15, already made it harder to track open rates by pre-loading email content, effectively obscuring true open metrics. iOS 18 is expected to strengthen these privacy features. This could involve further anonymizing user activity or extending privacy features across third-party mail apps like Gmail or Outlook on iOS devices.

    Impact: Open rates, traditionally a key metric, will become even more unreliable. Deliverability assessments based on opens will be distorted, making it harder to identify active subscribers and optimize email campaigns.

  2. AI-Powered Spam Filtering Another rumored feature in iOS 18 is the use of AI to enhance spam filtering. Machine learning could help Apple’s mail app predict unwanted content, which could increase the chances of legitimate emails being marked as spam, especially for promotional content.

    Impact: This could lead to lower inbox placements, affecting your overall deliverability. Email marketers may struggle to get their content in front of users, even if those users have opted into receiving the emails.

  3. Changes in User Permission & Data Collection Apple’s ongoing commitment to privacy might include stricter rules for email subscription and data collection processes. Potential changes could involve clearer opt-in processes for email lists and reduced ability to track engagement via third-party platforms.

    Impact: Subscription growth could slow if marketers can no longer rely on pre-checked boxes or implicit opt-ins. Additionally, gathering key behavioral data may become more complex, limiting personalization.

  4. Device and User ID Anonymization With iOS 18, Apple may further limit how marketers can track users across devices. This means that identifying a user by their Apple ID or tying an email address to a specific device could become harder or impossible.

    Impact: Without device-specific data, it may be more difficult to personalize messages based on a user’s device or location. It also complicates re-targeting campaigns or assessing which device a user engages with the most.

How to Overcome iOS 18 Challenges

  1. Shift Focus from Open Rates to Engagement Metrics Since open rates are becoming unreliable, email marketers should shift focus toward more meaningful engagement metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversions, and website activity. Tracking what users do after they click through your emails will give you a clearer picture of engagement.

    Solution: Implement UTM parameters in email links to track user behavior post-click. Integrating with Google Analytics or another web tracking platform can help measure email-driven conversions accurately.

  2. Strengthen List Segmentation and Quality To avoid AI-powered spam filters, ensure your email lists are properly segmented and filled with engaged subscribers. Remove unengaged contacts regularly and focus on quality rather than quantity to boost deliverability.

    Solution: Implement re-engagement campaigns for inactive subscribers and offer a clear unsubscribe option. Continuously clean your email list and segment based on engagement level, purchase history, or preferences.

  3. Prioritize Double Opt-In and Consent Since user permission is a central focus, transitioning to double opt-in processes for email subscriptions can help. This ensures that only users who truly want to receive your emails are on your list, improving engagement rates and reducing spam complaints.

    Solution: Implement clear opt-in forms and a double confirmation email. Ensure that your privacy policies and data collection methods are transparent and easy to understand for users.

  4. Adopt AMP for Email Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for email allows you to create interactive and dynamic emails, which can make up for lost personalization due to data privacy changes. With AMP, users can interact directly within the email itself, improving engagement without relying on user-specific data.

    Solution: Start experimenting with AMP elements such as forms, carousels, and product selectors in your email campaigns. This can increase engagement by allowing users to take actions without leaving their inbox.

  5. Use Predictive Content and AI To compensate for the lack of device or location-specific data, leverage AI tools to create predictive content based on past behavior. AI can help you automate segmentation, predict user interests, and optimize send times, even without detailed user data.

    Solution: Integrate AI-powered email marketing platforms or tools that can predict user behavior and deliver hyper-relevant content based on limited data.

While iOS 18 will introduce several challenges for email marketers, it also offers an opportunity to innovate. By focusing on engagement over opens, prioritizing subscriber consent, and leveraging new technologies like AMP and AI, email marketers can continue to deliver effective campaigns. Adapting early will ensure that you maintain strong deliverability, engagement, and ultimately, ROI.

Email marketing is always evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is the key to long-term success in the post-iOS 18 world.

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